Shura Council Participates in Plenary Session of Arab Parliament in Cairo

10 June 2023

The Shura Council has participated in the 5th Plenary session within the 3rd session of the Arab Parliament's 3rd legislative term that was convened at the headquarters of the Arab League in Cairo.

The session discussed the overall developments and Arab issues, including several topics related to promoting Arab joint action.

In this context, members of the Arab Parliament discussed the outcomes of the meetings of Arab Parliament's four standing committees, especially those related to Arab Parliament's annual fifth draft report on human rights situation in the Arab world 2022, a draft road map to combat child labor in the Arab region by 2026, in addition to a draft vision of Arab Parliament to address the negative consequences of natural disasters on human rights in the Arab world.

In addition, the session discussed an Arab draft resolution to combat domestic violence, social situation reports in the Arab world 2022, along with an Arab draft resolution on promoting investment in renewable and clean energy in the Arab world.

It also discussed the activation of Arab language fund in the least developed Arab countries, as well as a need to prepare an Arab law to combat bullying phenomenon in the Arab world.