Shura Council Participates in Arab Parliaments Dialogue on Ageing

19 May 2022

The Shura Council participated in the Arab Parliaments' dialogue on the 4th revision of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA).

The Shura Council was represented in the dialogue by HE Nasser bin Metrif Al-Hemeidi, a member of the Council.

During the dialogue, which was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the United Nations Population Fund, the Regional Office for Arab States, through video conference technology, several axes were discussed, including raising awareness about the review process and the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, as well as exchanging knowledge and experiences on the role of Parliamentarians in advancing the issues of the elderly and the challenges facing them.

They also discussed ways to enhance the contributions of parliamentarians in implementation of the goals of the Madrid Action Plan to ensure response to the needs of the elderly, preserve their rights and dignity and protect them from marginalization and exclusion.